A breast cancer survivor shares her experiences with the BRCA gene.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Advice from A Fitness Expert

This is an email my fitness instructor sent me recently:

"I met someone today in my bodywork class. She wanted ideas to rebuild her abs, since she was cut for breast cancer surgery and reconstruction.

This is the third person I've come across in a similar predicament, so I am planning to do some intensive research on exercise for women who have had breast cancer.

I hate to see breast cancer survivors frustrated with their bodies, when everyone seems amazed by how far you have come , medical teams happy with the results...you seem to be the only ones left with a feeling of unfinished business...and indeed it's not over for you.

You have a different body, you are and you are not the same person. You need to assess these changes and how slowly they will be part of you from now on. You need to work with these changes that you may not quite understand or even know about.

Your battle is not over, and everybody has left.

I believe strongly into the amazing ability of the body to heal repair and adapt, but also in the power and relation the mind has on this process.

Your will and courage is your victory. We, as instructors, need to wake up to this specific growing demand and try to work together with the health professionals to assure not only recovery, but long term health , happiness...and fitness!

Women who have had breast cancer need to work specifically on core, abs and upper body strength--which seems to be the 2 areas of most changes and trauma...psychologically, physically and physiologically.

See you in class!"

Helene Villinger
AFAA Certified Personal Fitness Instructor